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Let’s Talk Transworld

If you are a veteran in the haunt industry or just that obsessed with the strange and spooky, then you know that this week is the week of Transworld in St. Louis. If you have no idea what I'm taking about, then you might be thrown off by the name "Transworld" and wondering what a transgender convention has to do with haunt. (You would be surprised how often I get that question when I bring up Transworld to new haunters. Now I'm wondering how many people are dragged to the convention by friends under this false pretense and arrive in drag. Hmm.) I'm sure the convention title is based on Transylvania, though. Just wanted to clear that up.

For all you newbies, Transworld's Halloween and Attractions Show is the largest haunter's conventions in the U.S. which takes place in downtown St. Louis, MO. It's a weekend long event, this year's event happening March 22nd through the 25th. Some haunters go to work the show, having booths to showcase and sell their home made products. This is a huge deal since Transworld has the MOST booths and the BIGGEST showroom floor out of every haunter's convention. Imagine if The Mall of America was a haunt convention....then times that by ten. (I may be over exaggerating, but hey, that's how The Powers That Be describe this beautiful, wonderful place.)

On top of the amazing showroom floor, Transworld has AMAZING classes to take so you can learn everything you can to make the haunt industry your bitch. The people teaching at Transworld are usually some of the biggest names in the haunt industry, including Rick Spencer, the Creative Manager of Universal Studios, members of the HAA (The Haunted Attraction Association), which includes of Dwayne Sanburn of the 13th Gate and Mindi Plaisance of RISE Haunted House (Louisiana represent!), haunt famous makeup artist, Nick Wolfe, and God himself, the founder and director of Zombie Army, strait up goals if you wish to direct or stage manage (like me), the amazing, incredible, haunter extraordinaire...(insert drumroll here)...JOHN LAFLAMBOY!!!! (I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!)

After you're done wandering the massive showroom floor and scrambling to classes, there are also tours that you can attend of local haunts. This year, there are pre-convention tours today and tomorrow, March 20th and 21st, for an extra cost where you can do day tours as well as night tours of Nashville Nightmare Haunted House and Talon Falls Scream Park with an after party hosted by Froggy's Fog (one of the top fog suppliers in the industry and who's name you will see all over the place at any convention). On Thursday, March 22nd, there will be behind the scene tours of The Darkness and Lemp Brewery. There will also be a few Escape Room tours as well. Of course, all of this will be for an added price, but you can almost never put a price on haunt education.  Friday night, March 23rd, will be your chance to visit the Lemp Brewery's live show with live actors, while Saturday, March 24th, is The Darkness' turn to try and scare the living daylights out of you. I recomend checking out the schedule here for more a more detailed idea of everything going on this weekend. 

So, if you're head is starting to spin from all the different things you can do at Transworld, your mind will be blown when I drop this next nugget of knowledge. Sure, Transworld is Disneyland for haunters with a ton of classes and things to buy, but do you know what Transworld is the best place for? Partying and networking!!! Transworld is THE PLACE to get your party on and meet the top people in the industry. Not only are there after parties, booze fuled brunches, and hotel parties...oh no. There is also a massive party where everyone goes all out to make the biggest impression. Each year there's usually a theme. I'm not quite sure of the theme this year, but I DO know that the party will be taking place at Club Eternity on Friday night, March 23rd. This party is where people will show up with their makeup professionally done, their costumes most likely costing more than my college tuition, and with enough energy to keep partying until the next haunt season. This event is THE haunt event of the year! This is where everyone will make new connections, reconnect with their friends from the previous years, and discuss anything and everything that happened in the last season or at HauntCon. (This year, most people will focus on RISE Haunted House since they performed at HauntCon this past January. Hopefully, this will bring a tidal wave of bussiness to all of us southern haunters.)

Now, here comes the part where I give you all the bad news when it comes to Transworld. To attend, you must own a haunt OR be invited by a haunt owner or vendor. (I can hear some hearts breaking now...including my own.) To go to Transworld (in my eyes) is an honor. It's the highest privillage as a haunter to be invited. There are so many opportunities when you go to Transworld and you get to learn so much, not only from the classes but from those you meet while you are there. I've heard so many stories about Transworld that it's become more of a legend than an actual possibility for me to attend. Hopefully, with time, that will change (either I'm going to get an invite in the next 10-20 years or I'll open a rink dink haunt to meet the requirements. Let's see how I manage to sneak my way into this convention), but I do not want this to turn you off, dear reader. Only the strong willed and those who put in the hard work will get the opportunity to attend such an amazing event. So, don't give up. Keep working hard to be the best haunter you can be and maybe one day we will see each other at Transworld.

To everyone who will be attending Transworld this weekend, please stay safe in all your travels. Stay hydrated and well fed in between all the classes and partying. Keep and eye on your budget when you visit the showroom. Good luck to anyone who is giving a seminar or class. Please, let John LaFlamboy know that this Wicked Witch of the South is his #1 Fan. (Okay, maybe not that last one, but I really do look up to that guy.) And, whatever you do...have fun!

Until next time, stay spooky and happy hauntings.


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