Creating a successful haunt takes much more than scattering actors in a field and leaving them to their own devices. It's like saying that you take a bunch of vitamins and medication without speaking with your doctor first and you just hope your body knows what to do with all the drugs you're pumping into your system. (Sudden death. Wasted. K.O. Not good.) Without a clear, planned out, and tested course of action, nothing but madness would ensue (and not the good kind of madness). Just like your body would be unable to function without its head, arms, or legs, a haunt can't function without understanding the groups, understanding scares, and properly putting everything into practice. Before you ever get to scare somebody, it's important to know the underlying guidelines to ensure that nobody gets hurt, upset, or has a bad time at your haunt. Nothing can upset The Powers That Be more than losing customers because their actors were careless, and I care enough about all o...